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Meridian Acne Doctors

How Your Meridian Doctor Can Help You Treat Acne

Image by Ayo Ogunseinde

Acne is a skin condition that occurs when hair follicles on the skin surface plug with excessive oils or dead skin. The manifestation of the acne symptoms differs in many people due to various genetic and physiological reasons. The condition is predominant in teenagers but can also affect people of different ages.


Acne is an inflammatory condition that manifests as pimples or black spots on the face, upper back, neck, shoulders, neck, and chest. The condition can also appear as whiteheads, cysts, and nodules on the skin surface. For effective containment of the condition you can consult a doctor for treating acne.


Major Risk Factors of the Condition


  • Genetics: some genetic mutations in a specific family lineage can predispose members of that ancestral line to develop acne at one particular age. Such genetic makeup causes overproduction of sebum and dead skin, leading to acne.

  • Anxiety: high levels of anxiety can cause your body to release hormones that increase the production of oils on the skin surface. The hormones can also lead to clogging of pores, which encourage the growth of bacteria that can cause severe acne symptoms.

  • Humid climates: high humidity levels in the environment slow down the rate of evaporation of sweat from the skin. It can cause the sweat pores to clog, leading to the formation of acne.

  • Hormonal imbalance: major hormonal imbalances occur during puberty, pregnancy, and menstrual periods. The fluctuations in the levels of hormones in the body cause inflammation on the skin, excessive production of sebum, and clogging of skin pores.

  • Makeups: if you are sharing makeup tools with your friends, the agents of acne can spread to your face leading to breakouts. Also, your skin can react to the various ingredients available across multiple makeup compounds.


How Do You Treat Acne Symptoms


The treatment regimes differ depending on the severity of the acne conditions and you can skin advice from a doctor who deals with dermatology & skin issues. In mild cases, you don't need to use medical products to eradicate skin conditions. You can adopt healthy skin regimes such as regularly cleaning your skin using a mild soap. Other primary methods of treating acne symptoms include:


  1. Using water-based makeup products-most makeup products have products that don’t react well with sensitive skin. If you note that you tend to develop acne after applying makeup, opt for the water-based makeup.

  2. Avoid squeezing the pimples-most pimples contain pus, and if you press the blisters; the discharge spreads the infection to a healthy skin surface.

  3. Medication-they are various medications available to completely eradicate the acne symptoms. The commonly used creams include; benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, resorcinol, and salicylic acid. Most of these medications are found in various lotions, creams, gels, and cleansers. These drugs aim to dry out the existing pimples, remove all the dead skin, and helps to prevent the surface pores from blocking.


However, if your acne is consistent and severe despite the various skincare routines and medication, you need to seek the help of an experienced dermatologist. The professional can identify the route cause of the problem and advice a treatment regime that will work best for you.





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