Meridian Diabetes Doctors
How Your Meridian Doctor Can Help You Manage Diabetes

With a whooping 30.3 million people suffering from this chronic disease, diabetes is a major health problem in the US. Around 9.4% of the US population experiences the symptoms of type-I or type-II disease. However, many of them are unaware they are suffering from this health issue.
Diabetes is a growing health problem in Meridian, Idaho. Between 1994 and 2004, the rate of diabetes among adults in Idaho increased by 48%, which is an alarming situation. The lack of awareness is the major reason why diabetes usually goes unnoticed during the early stages.
The following tell-tale signs can indicate you may be suffering from diabetes:
Sudden weight loss
Increased hunger pangs
Weakness or fatigue
High blood pressure
Numbness in feet
Blurred vision
Increased urination
Dry skin
If you’re experiencing the aforementioned symptoms, you should book an appointment for diagnosing and managing your diabetes with your Meridian doctor.
Diabetes Management: Why You Should Visit Your Meridian Doctor
During the past few years, the government, as well as many private organizations, have carried out campaigns to spread awareness about this disease and guide people on how they can improve their lifestyle to live a healthy life with diabetes.
You should have your health care team that can help you manage this chronic disease. Your team may consist of your family doctor, a dietician, endocrinologist, podiatrist, ophthalmologist, and mental health professionals.
Your Meridian doctor may ask you to undergo the following tests to determine whether or not you’re suffering from diabetes:
Fasting Plasma Glucose Test – Your blood glucose level is checked when you haven’t eaten anything for at least 8 hours
Oral Plasma Glucose Test – Your blood glucose level is checked when you haven’t eaten anything for at least 8 hours and didn’t drink anything containing glucose for more than 2 hours
Random Plasma Glucose Test – Your blood glucose level is checked regardless of when you had your last meal
Based on the results of the test and your symptoms, your doctor will provide you with a diagnosis report.
·Managing Diabetes
The initial few days, after you’re diagnosed with diabetes can be quite tough for you. But try to keep yourself calm and composed. Your doctor can help you manage it effectively and stay fit and healthy.
Your doctor may advise you to test blood glucose levels on your own and maintain records. Based on this information, they will prescribe medications to control glucose levels and prevent further complications.
Your Meridian doctor may also encourage you o adopt a healthy lifestyle and integrate 30-minute physical exercises in your daily routine. Moreover, if you smoke or drink, they may ask you to stay away from these unhealthy activities.
Being diagnosed with diabetes may change your lifestyle, but it doesn’t end your life. A Meridian doctor like the ones at Treasure Valley Family Medicine can help you manage diabetes and improve your overall health.