Do You Need A Specialist? - Seeing Your Family Doctor For Dermatology & Skin Conditions

3 Major Reasons Why You Should See Your Regular Family Doctor for Your Common Dermatology and Skin Concerns
Skin conditions and dermatology concerns can be very problematic. When it comes to the issues with their skin, many people automatically start to look for a specialist. While it’s natural to want the best for yourself, it’s a good idea to share your concerns with your regular family doctor. If you're already seeing a physician in Meridian like Treasure Valley Family Medicine, they can treat you for common dermatology and skin conditions.
Don’t think your family doctor will get to the root of the problem? The following are a few reasons why you should see your regular family doctor for your common dermatology and skin concerns.
1. They Know Your Medical History
Many times, it can be confusing to find the root cause of the problem when it comes to your skin. This is a major factor, but it can often elude your best efforts. You’ll often find yourself asking the following:
Are your pimples or red patches occurring because of puberty?
Are you allergic to a substance?
Is your skin just sensitive?
Additionally, treatment can’t begin before the issue is addressed properly. Luckily, your family doctor will have your medical history and will be able to give answers to these questions with ease. They’ll also work out proper treatment plans, which can help you maintain your skin, address the issues and ensure that you don’t face any further issues.
2. It’s a Common Condition
There’s a common misconception that your family doctor will not understand your skin condition or your dermatology issues. They’re usually considered to be good for general ailments. However, don’t be too quick to discount their expertise. Family doctors can also help address common skin conditions and issues.
You’ll be surprised to learn that skin ailments and common dermatology issues are among the number of common conditions treated by family doctors. They also understand the growing changes experienced by teens, so they can offer viable treatment plans. It’s always good to have some faith in the kind of treatments that your family doctor can offer.
3. They Can Offer Guidance
Family doctors can offer you a lot of guidance regarding your skin condition. From managing your diet to developing a proper skin care routine, they can also offer you insight on how to determine if you need a dermatologist. This happens when certain skin conditions and dermatology concerns might be out of the expertise of the family doctor. In this case, they offer you guidance and help to pick the best professional for your skin concern.
So, if you’re experiencing any skin issues, head to your family doctor for a consultation and work out a treatment plan. If you’re not sure who to go to, head to Treasure Valley Family Medicine in Meridian. The physicians here are skilled and have years of experience with skin conditions and dermatology concerns. With their help, clear skin is just a few days away!