Meridian Thyroid Doctors
10 Signs You May Have A Thyroid Issue

The thyroid is a gland located centrally on the neck. It helps in the secretion of hormones essential for the body's metabolic processes. Apart from that, they aid in the regeneration of cells and energy coordination.
The levels of hormones that the gland produces need to be at optimum. A higher or lower production may be problematic. When the glands are not functioning well, there is likely an issue, and you need to visit a doctor.
There are several symptoms that the body might manifest when having a thyroid issue. It is easy to seek treatment when you can know the symptoms. Read on to find out ten signs that you may have a thyroid issue.
What are the Signs of a Thyroid issue?
Globally, females are at a higher risk of having thyroid issues than their male counterparts. As one advances in years, they are at a higher risk of developing the conditions. However, symptoms differ in young people. Here are some common signs of a thyroid issue;
Most patients will feel tired when suffering from
hypothyroidism. This is when the gland produces fewer hormones than the body needs. It is common for those suffering from the condition to feel exhausted all the time. Even though one rests, the symptoms will not wear off. When the levels go higher than normal, a person appears nervous. Close to half of patients suffering from hypothyroidism tend to sleep more than they used to. It happens without a particular reason, like mental activity or physical work.
Mental Conditions
Thyroid hormones affect the mood of a person. Many patients suffering from thyroid issues experience some kind of psychological challenges like depression and anxiety-related disorders. Whether the mental condition results from thyroid issues or not, it is vital to seek treatment for the problems. There are ongoing studies on the exact cause of these conditions, but some experts explain it may be due to the patient being inactive.
Unhealthy Hair
The thyroid hormones regulate the reproduction of cells. It means that there is an effect on the stem cells in hair follicles. Since follicles play a significant role in the growth of hair, when the components are not healthy, a patient starts losing hair. Many people visiting a specialist because of hair loss end up undertaking treatment for thyroid problems. After which, hair grows at normal rates.
Loss of hair at the eyebrows is a sign of thyroid conditions. When concerned about the rate at which you are losing hair, or it is uneven, it is advisable to consult a physician. The medical professionals can determine the cause of the problem.
Change in Weight
Your weight is a common indicator of whether you are suffering from thyroid conditions. The thyroid is not working well when you experience an unexpected weight addition. It is probably functioning at a lower level than normal. However, an over-functioning thyroid gland can lead to losing a large amount of weight in a small duration.
When you maintain the number of calories you take and still find that you are gaining or losing weight, you might need a thyroid issue check-up. As the body reduces its functioning due to less hormone production, it will burn fewer calories. It will lead to weight gain.
Poor Concentration
Individuals suffering from thyroid conditions will most probably have poor concentration and have a foggy mind. However, people may also find it difficult to remember things. It can event affect a person's speech as one can forget things along the way. Others might find it difficult to understand what the patient is saying. It would be best if you went for a checkup when your concentration decreases significantly without an explanation. With treatment to thyroid conditions, a patient's concentration and memories improve significantly.
Compared to people whose thyroid produces normal levels, those with less production of the item tend to experience frequent constipation. The symptoms reduce for normal patients with stomach upsets, but for individuals suffering from hypothyroid, it will increase.
You need to check out other symptoms before considering it a thyroid issue. It may go away with the prescription drugs that one can purchase over the counter. However, when the symptoms persist, it is vital to seek medical assistance.
Unhealthy Skin
Cells need to be replaced for the skin to be healthy since they die at a rapid rate. When it takes longer for the skin to regenerate, it may end up looking dry and unhealthy. Those showing signs of thyroid conditions will find the skin conditions worsening over time. When the skin is changing, it may be an indicator of thyroid conditions and not allergic reactions.
Joint and Muscle Pains
As explained earlier, it is common for individuals to feel tired and weak when there is a low secretion of hormones by the thyroid. There is a reduction in muscles in the process, and it may lead to pains when one is engaging in physical activities. The joints might also ache. However, there is an improvement in the symptoms when a patient seeks treatment. His/her muscles and joints will function as before.
Temperature Regulation
The body heats up when the rate of metabolisms is high. When there is a reduction in body processes, the body will feel cooler. This is a sign of low thyroid levels, affecting the body's ability to regulate temperatures. You will find yourself feeling cold when those near you are not. If the sign started abruptly, it is advisable to go for a checkup.
Abnormal Menstruation
Heavy or irregular menstruation may be a cause of the thyroid producing decreased levels of hormones. It affects the interaction with other hormones for menstruation. The sign is growing more popular with female patients suffering from hypothyroidism. Although there might be other reasons for abnormal menstruation, a doctor is ideal for giving a diagnosis and recommending treatment.
There are tests that a person can undertake to check for thyroid issues and conditions. When experiencing more than one sign above, you can consult your doctor to schedule an examination.